seement bharana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word seement bharana usage in english sentences. The examples of seement bharana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., cement.

Limestone is the basic raw material for the cement industry and essential for smelting iron ore in the blast furnace.

Sand from sand blasting, saw dust from wood works, pulverized coal, cement and fly ash from factories, dust storms etc.
Nowadays, fly ash and slag from the steel industry are utilised by the cement industry.
Their houses, some of them quite large, are made of brick with cement plastering.
But the increase in combustion of fossil fuels and decomposition of limestone for cement manufacture in recent years seem to increase the CO2 content of the atmosphere.
A raging, deadly, brown sheet of water covered everything as far as the eye could see; only fractured cement houses still stood in a few places.
The mineral processing like grinding of limestone for cement industry and calcite and soapstone for ceramic industry generate huge quantity of dust in the atmosphere.
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